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Diagnostic Assay Validation Network (DAVN)

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The DAVN was created to provide a working space for plant scientists to easily access statistical tools, registries of methods and controls, promote validated methods, and connect with assay deve​lopers, testers, and end-users via an online community. 

Original source: DAVN (
The Need and a Vision for a Diagnostic Assay Validation Network

In the United States, most land-grant university, state, and private diagnostic and expert pest identifier labs are successfully networked via the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal Plant Health Inspection Service, Plant Protection and Quarantine (USDA APHIS PPQ;, the National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN;, and the National Clean Plant Network (NCPN; These organizations provide access to training, shared protocols, and standardized communications. For example, the NPDN has secure communications tools that network leadership built into its IT infrastructure and deploys a formal communications process and protocol for regulatory and high-risk samples.
Additionally, the diagnostic networks adopt protocols from regulatory organizations such as the USDA-APHIS, European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO), North American Plant Protection Organization (NAPPO), and other international and national plant protection organizations (NPPOs). However, plant health diagnosticians also need access to validated protocols for ... read more ... 
The Need and a Vision for a Diagnostic Assay Validation Network | PhytoFrontiers™ (

Using RCA for Detecting and Studying Diseases: Examples for Plant DNA Viruses
Rolling Circle Amplification (RCA) is a technique that enables the efficient amplification of DNA molecules, particularly circular DNA. It relies on the strand displacement property of the phi 29 DNA polymerase, allowing for continuous synthesis of a new DNA strand in an isothermal manner. This property proves advantageous for amplifying viral pathogens with genomes composed of circular DNA. In this scenario, DNA is extracted from ... read more ... Using RCA for detecting and studying diseases: examples for plant DNA viruses​ (

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