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Dr. Sanju Kunwar
Post-Doctoral Research Associate

Dr. Kunwar is originally from Nepal and received her undergraduate degree in biotechnology from Nepal’s Purbanchal University. She joined University of Florida to complete her Master’s and PhD degrees in Plant Pathology focused on the integrated field management of bacterial wilt disease in tomato. Dr. Kunwar began her career as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she researched the mechanism of EFR-based resistance in transgenic tomato line against bacterial wilt disease.
Dr. Kunwar has 10 years of experience in integrated field management of vegetable and fruit diseases and is heavily involved in Extension and Education, for which she conducted trainings on plant disease management of vegetable-fruit crops in different countries across southeast Asia and Africa including Nepal, Taiwan, and Rwanda. She is particularly interested in genetic improvement of vegetable crops for better quality and yield. Additionally, Dr. Kunwar has a passion for science communication and teaching plant science to the public and growers. Her blog channel: teaches people about gardening, hydroponics, common garden diseases and pests as well as ways to manage them.
Her current responsibilities as a post-doctoral researcher in the Citrus Pathology program involve developing new and advanced technologies to deliver current and novel therapeutics to the citrus trees for managing citrus diseases in Florida. 
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